Winner of the Tompkins Wake Award for Better Policy and Regulation: An Innovative Approach to Freedom Camping, South Taranaki District Council

About the Entry:

Tourism and the associated freedom camping increased across Taranaki. South Taranaki developed a bylaw and a scoring system for conducting significant site assessments and worked with Kaitiake/Ambassadors to monitor application throughout the district.

The Judges Said:

This entry demonstrates the value of developing robust, defendable evidence-based policy and the application of good decision-making process to an issue that is very topical and that can be a matter of great sensitivity. We also see the mobilisation of Kaitiaki as a means of providing for compliance through moral suasion and encouragement rather than prosecution. This is a case where several smaller innovations make all the difference.

View entry - South Taranaki District Council, An Innovative Approach to Freedom Camping