We would like to update you on the work Taituarā has been doing to help prepare our sector for the Future for Local Government review programme. This includes feedback from our workshops earlier this year, plus the latest from our Democracy and Participation Reference Group (DPRG) hui.

Feedback from our Future for Local Government roadshow

Thank you to all those who attended our Future for Local Government workshops in late February/early March. We would like to now provide you with a summary of what was discussed. We also offer a presentation  to assist you to present this information to colleagues, networks and elected members. 

Future for Local Government roadshow: what we heard (PDF 518KB).

Future for Local Government roadshow: what we heard slides (PowerPoint presentation 12.7MB).

Taituarā Democracy and Participation Reference Group hui

Recently our Principal Advisor Wendy Moore attended a hui with the Taituarā Democracy and Participation Reference Group (DPRG) to discuss the Future for Local Government Review, and the implications of the system changes that are being discussed by the Review Panel. Thanks to her for her summary of what was discussed below.

"David Ward (Selwyn District Council), Chair of the Reference Group, introduced the session and opened with a discussion about the Review Panel hui many of the group had been involved in. The key points were: 

  • It is crucial that we partner with Māori – a formal system is needed. 
  • Push back to local governance as to whether we can actually deliver the wellbeings on our own. We need to partner with central government.
  • Prepare for draft Review Panel recommendations coming out around the middle of October."

"Our discussions included: iwi Māori and co-governance; elected members and the complex decision-making they are facing now, and in the future; standing orders; the ability of current democracy and governance tools to enable different structures exists now – people need to be motivated to use them. Given change will occur, how can we adapt our current democracy and governance tools now to enable a smoother transition to a different future?"

"DPRG members are working alongside the Taituarā Future for Local Government Review team, sharing their knowledge and expertise with respect to these questions: 

  • What does co-governance look like across the motu? 
  • How can we grow the sector’s capacity and capability to think about partnership/co-governance, and act? 
  • Do councils want to delegate? 
  • How can co-governance committees be resourced and supported? What happens next with their decisions/recommendations? 
  • What does an authentic partnership with central government look like?  
  • How can we reflect tikanga Māori in governance and democracy procedures? e.g. marae protocols for hui. 
  • How would citizens be selected to take part in participative or deliberative democracy approaches? e.g. citizens' assemblies."