On Friday 22 July 2022, the National Transition Unit released its proposed guidelines and supporting material for staff transferring to the new three waters entities for feedback by 11.59 pm on Monday 22 August 2022.

Copies of the material have been circulated to council chief executives, three waters transition managers/leads, people and workforce workstream focal points (as advised by councils) as well as union representatives and Taituarā. We hope your Council has received this information. Please take a minute to read it and then provide feedback through the mechanisms outlined by the Department of Internal Affair’s National Transition Unit.

Your Council may also have its own process for discussing the National Transition Unit’s guidelines and providing feedback to the National Transition Unit, which it will communicate.

The final Guidelines are due for release in February 2023 once they have been updated to reflect any relevant amendments to the Water Services Entities Bill, following the Select Committee process, and after consultation on the Guidelines with the new water services entities (once they are established).