10:39 AM, 12 December 2023

Investment required in staff and development in local government

Investment in staff learning and development has a positive impact on the ability to recruit and retain staff according to research commissioned by Taituarā.

1:45 PM, 27 August 2019

Local Government Funding and Financing – Taituarā Submission to the Productivity Commission

Taituarā has responded to the Productivity Commission’s draft report into its Inquiry into Local Government Funding and Financing.

9:31 AM, 6 December 2018

Climate Change

The 5th report of the International Panel on Climate Change was the most unequivocal yet in its finding that climate change is a real phenomenon and that human activity is affecting the worlds climate, atmosphere and oceans.

9:21 AM, 6 December 2018

Fit for the Digital Future

The evolution of information and communications technology is changing the way people live their lives and provides new opportunities for local government to improve the delivery of local services and the way we govern our communities.

9:14 AM, 27 November 2018

Taituarā's 'Think Piece' Report on Austerity

The Global Financial Crisis illustrated the importance of building resilience into local government service delivery. Read Taituarā"s report on austerity which focuses on four concepts used by English councils to create more efficient and effective service delivery.

5:06 PM, 26 November 2018

Tuning Up the Engine

Tuning up the engine - potential changes to local government law is a submission to the Hon Nanaia Mahuta, Minister of Local Government and the Hon Meka Whaitiri, Associate Minister of Local Government

5:02 PM, 26 November 2018

UK Study Tour - Through the Looking Glass

Since 2010, local government in Britain has grappled with the challenge of the UK Government's austerity programme. In July 2016 Taituarā published Austerity: Creating service resilience. This report asked how UK councils were delivering services with dramatically less funding and how relevant practices could be, applied in New Zealand.

9:34 AM, 14 October 2015

Working Shoulder to Shoulder - Co-governance and Collaborative Approaches and Engagement Skills

Increasingly local government is moving towards more collaborative approaches to engagement, these range from relatively informal arrangements through to statutorily driven co-governance entities (appendix A contains a list of the approaches).