Entry received from: Wellington City Council
Category: Te Tohu Waka Hourua - The Buddle Findlay Award for Māori-Council Partnerships

Following the co-design of Tākai Here, a unique mana whenua led partnership signed between all mana whenua leaders and Council, we collectively designed Tūpiki Ora. Tūpiki Ora, a metaphor for the pursuit of Māori well-being, is the Wellington City Council'€™s 10-year Māori strategy and action plan, created by Mana Whenua, Māori and the Council to support and develop vibrant, thriving whānau in Wellington.

Mana Whenua approached the Council to establish a new way of working together, strengthen our relationship, and support Māori - led responses towards well-being outcomes for Māori, anchored in the whakapapa relationships between people, place, and nature.

The vision - "Kia mauri ora te taiao, kia mauri ora te whānau, kia mauri ora te ao Māori." €œThe vitality of our environment is nourished, the wellbeing of our whānau is fostered, te ao Māori is embraced and celebrated.

While Tūpiki Ora focuses on the next 10 years, our collective aspirations extend well beyond this timeframe. We're committed to ensuring that the decisions made over the next 10 years will be felt by the mokopuna of Pōneke in 50 years'€™ time.

Thank you to our category sponsor