Module 3: Using the Wellbeings in Local Government Planning and Measurement

In Modules 1 & 2 of our series on wellbeing, we introduced you to the recent changes to the Local Government Act and what it means for councils and communities.

Module 3 in the series introduces a framework to help council staff understand how community wellbeing fits into existing council strategies and plans, such as the Long-Term Plan. 

In this course you'll learn about:

  • How community indicators and community measures are connected
  • Where your community engagement process fits and where your measurements fit into this process
  • How community aspirations transpire to the Long-Term Plan logic framework


All local government staff, but particularly: 

  • Strategic Planners
  • Councils who have an existing subscription to the Taituarā Community Wellbeing Service  
  • HR Managers 
  • LG professionals who have previously completed Modules 1&2 in the series and want to learn about the framework.

How to enrol

To enrol in our e-learning course Using the Wellbeings in Local Government Planning and Measurement click 'Enrol Now' below.

A single seat costs $120 +GST