The Local Government (Community Well-being) Amendment Act has resulted in a change in the purpose of local government, which is to promote community wellbeing.

This means that we, as local authorities, are responsible for improving the social, economic, environmental and cultural wellbeing of our communities.

Why measure wellbeing?

Discover the benefits of measuring wellbeing

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What are the wellbeings?

Find out more about what the wellbeings are.

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Modules 1 & 2: Community Wellbeing E-Learning

Find out more about Taituarā's Local Government & Community Wellbeing e-learning modules

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Module 3: Using the Wellbeings in Local Government Planning & Measurement

This e-learning module introduces a framework to help council staff understand how community wellbeing fits into existing council strategies and plans, such as the Long-Term Plan.

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Wellbeing case study

Discover how Auckland Council used data to improve employment outcomes in South Auckland.

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