We have completed another successful electoral cycle. A huge congratulations to everyone involved. Below Susan Haniel, our Senior Advisor, Sector Improvement provides an update on the ballot bins and election hubs which made a positive contribution to turnout in many parts of the country.

This year we saw the arrival of orange ballot bins for collecting votes as an alternative option to post. Due to NZ Post’s continually diminishing delivery service, councils collaborated to bulk purchase orange wheelie bins for voters to use, especially after the cut-off date when NZ Post could not guarantee delivery.

Many councils used the orange bins, but some councils had their own, such as Auckland Council’s specially designed yellow ballot bins. 

Councils placed them in supermarkets, libraries, community hubs, and other places with high foot traffic. They became a marketing channel of their own, with their colourful messaging reminding people to vote. They were hugely successful for collecting votes, especially on the last day.

Some councils also set up election hubs around their cities (or districts) where voters could cast special votes or post their ballots. Setting up election hubs required coordination across different council departments including the release of staff for the hubs. All the staff working in the hubs were trained and met the regulations required for the role. 

The election hubs provided another channel reminding people to vote, and attracting special voters across council areas.